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Single issues / Plantnutritioncourier 2022-06


Seed orientation
All seeds in the right orientation
Winter wheat: brush upwards or just downwards
Hypocotyl, hilum and radicle orientation
Editorial: Seed orientation: what are the effects on nutrient uptake?

Arable farming
Thinly seeded, square-arranged wheat can outperform conventionally-grown crop
Breeding living perennial mulch for winter cereals
Germinating sugar beet needs potassium

Plant and soil analytics
Role of legacy phosphate in determining phosphate fertiliser recommendations

Beneficial soil microbes
Soil microbes save nitrate by converting it to ammonium
Scientists stimulate rice to attract soil bacteria that fix nitrogen from air

Fruits and vegetables
Nanosulphur enhances nutrient contents in tomatoes
Boron suppresses virus infection

Fertiliser additive studied with sophisticated method
Chelating calcium with sorbitol stimulates foliar uptake
Nano-gypsum outperforms classical gypsum soil amendments

Urease and nitrification inhibitors and fertilisers coatings
Pharmacologists find novel urease inhibitors
Novel dual-action urease and nitrification inhibitors
Subsurface banding confounds nitrogen release from poymer-coated urea

Calcium signalling and manganese deficiency
Root tips sense manganese availability in soil
How manganese gets to where it is needed in plants

Plant nutrition patents
Recent plant nutrition patent publications

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Price per single issue:
€ 45,00
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