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Freelance journalist Gert van den Berg (1964) has his office in Veenendaal, nearby Wageningen, City of Life Sciences, known for its university and research centre. After his study at Agricultural College, Dordrecht (today Hogeschool INHOLLAND) he worked as assistant mycologist at the formerly Wageningen Research Institute for Plant Protection, IPO (today Plant Research International, PRI).

Since 1987 Gert van den Berg is freelance science journalist for leading Dutch trade journals: Boerderij, De Boomkwekerij, Tuin en Landschap and Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij. He also published in Der Gartenbau, Horticulture Week and Landscape Trades. From 2003 he is involved in editing the Adjuvant Newsletter.
Gert van den Berg is specialised in news about (applied) research in arable farming, floriculture and tree nursery. Yearly he writes some in-depth articles, to inform farmers and growers about the merits of new developments, methods or products.

Member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Land- en Tuinbouwjournalistiek (NVLJ).
NVLJ is member of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ).
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