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The best bits of plant nutrition research right on your desk


Plant nutrition courier reader survey: respondents give magazine 8.8 on a scale of 1 to 10  •  three-quarters of the respondents have a research position at a (fertiliser) manufacturer, university, independent research institute or research company  •  one fifth of respondents work in an advisory or consultancy service



The best bits of plant nutrition research right on your desk - so is the Plant nutrition courier best characterized. Each issue of this digital bimonthly magazine has a feature about plant nutrition related research and short news items related to both plant nutrition and plant and soil analysis. Furthermore this special interest magazine reports about innovative plant nutrition products and novel fertiliser formulations. Last but not least the Plant nutrition courier has a column with hyperlinks to relevant publications.


Beneficial nutrients

Plant nutrition courier includes the formerly digital bimonthly Beneficial nutrients news. So, beneficial nutrients now are a regular part of Plant nutrition courier issues. In short articles and newsflashes the Plant nutrition courier provides you with information about research on silicon, selenium and other beneficial nutrients in agriculture and horticulture.



The Plant nutrition courier is produced by freelance journalist Gert van den Berg.


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